In the period 2017-2019 at Liceul Tehnologic Agricol from Barcanesti, the project FLIP TO LEARN will be developed, financed by the European Commission trought Erasmus+. EURO (Coordinator) – (Italy) 2 I.T.E.T. Cirolamo Caruso – (Italy) 3.2 EPAL TRIKALON -(Greece) 4. Liceul Tehnologic Agricol Barcanesti -(Romania) 5. Ljudska univerza Velenje (Slovenia) 6. CODEC s.r.l (Italy). The project was launched at the level of the institution, where the students, their parents and representative of the local comunity were present. The project objectives were presented, the tageted group and the results expected from this partnership. To all present persons were we gave flyers with the esential information and a flash mob was done by a group of students.
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